Customer Service Excellence – A Cultural Outcome
Our approach stands apart from other initiatives dedicated to improving customer experiences, interactions and relationships by focusing on the very thinking styles and shared values that determine the way members of an organization perceive, treat, work and relate to customers. The results are higher customer satisfaction and loyalty and superior performance.
Customer experiences
Quality customer interactions and relationships and positive purchasing experiences are supplied by companies with constructive organizational cultures. Such cultures are based on assumptions, values, attitudes and behaviors focused on understanding and satisfying customer needs and requirements including those in the area of personal treatment, interactions and relations.
Customer Service Styles
In order to understand how an organization is doing toward their customers we start by undertaking a Customer Service Styles Survey™, a dedicated assessment tool developed and supplied by Human Synergistics International that measures the way people in the organization typically treat clients and customers. The result of the assessment is in fact the aggregated perception of customers regarding the treatment they receive from the members of the organization. This perception is critical in determining the buying decision of a customer, along with product benefits and the quality of accompanying services.
In addition to that, the survey measures the impact of customer interactions on three critical dimensions for the future performance of the organization: customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer advocacy. In this way we have the chance to analyze key leading indicators and take action in order to ensure the delivery of future expected performance.
An integrative and results oriented approach
The project is not limited to capturing and understanding customer perceptions (the external perspective). It allows also the measuring and understanding of the employees’ perceptions related to customer interactions (the internal perspective). By analysing these two sets of information we can understand the alignment between the two perspectives – very important for the correct positioning of the organization.
Furthermore, the project includes the development of a tangible objective as regards customer service that will be embraced and targeted by the members of the organization. And in order to facilitate the change and the development of the company the project includes several intervention activities: workshops, training sessions, the preparation of an action plan that includes customer service initiatives that will be developed and translated into practice by the members of the organization.
And so the project goes through the following 3 stages:
1. Understanding the current situation (the internal and external perspectives)
2. Defining the future situation (the objectives for customer service)
3. Making the transition (taking the steps to reach the objectives)
These stages are supported by powerful know-how, instruments and experience that ensure the correct definition and configuration of the project, it’s undertaking and the delivery of expected results.