Organizational Culture – From Intention to Realization
Competencies, skills, attitudes and behaviours of people and their underlying assumptions, values and beliefs are key to the achievement of business strategy. By managing these factors at the corporate level we can develop a culture that will facilitate, support and finally determine a good performance of the organization.
Strategy and culture
Apart from providing adequate structures, systems, processes and resources to support the achievement of the corporate strategy we need to look also into the subject of competencies, skills, attitudes and behaviours of people performing the work inside the organization. In order to be successful in this approach we need to address the way people think about life in general and work in particular and their underlying assumptions, values and beliefs.
Organizational culture and climate
By managing these later factors at the individual level we can influence people’s responses to various life and work related stimuli. And by managing these factors at the corporate level we can develop an organizational culture and a work climate that will facilitate, support and finally determine a good performance of the company. In this way managing the corporate culture becomes vital in managing the corporate performance.
Organizational culture development
The transition from the current stage of organizational culture to a future stage can be done through a project that includes the following steps:
- identify the Current Culture through an organizational culture audit;
- define the Ideal/Desired Culture and build internal alignment;
- identify the gap between the current culture and the desired one;
- understand the causes for the current situation and their impact on corporate performance through the analysis of five dimensions of organizational design: Mission and Philosophy, Structures, Systems, Work Design, Skills & Qualities of People;
- define the intervention: identify the projects, initiatives, steps and actions that will determine the transition from the current stage to the future stage;
- make the intervention and stabilize the results;
- monitor the progress through a new organizational culture audit.
Human Synergistics instruments
The project is very well supported by dedicated tools and methodologies developed by Human Synergistics International a world leader in the research, design and publication of psychometric instruments used to measure individual, group and organizational effectiveness.