Company Transformation – Leading Organizational Change
Renewing organizations is a complex and difficult undertaking. We provide to executives the adequate understanding about what they need to consider and do in an organizational change situation and we also help them avoid mistakes that can derail their transformation efforts and have a negative impact on their people and their companies.
Changing organizations
In the opening of a Harvard Business Review article published in 1995 John P. Kotter states the followings: ”Over the past decade I have watched more than 100 companies try to remake themselves into significantly better competitors. A few of these corporate change efforts have been very successful. A few have been utter failures. Most fall somewhere in between, with a distinct tilt toward the lower end of the scale.
The most general lesson to be learned from the most successful cases is that the change process goes through a series of phases that, in total, usually require a considerable length of time. Skipping steps creates only the illusion of speed and never produces a satisfying result. A second very general lesson is that critical mistakes in any of the phases can have a devastating impact, slowing momentum and negating hard-won gains. Perhaps because we have relatively little experience in renewing organizations, even very capable people often make at least one big error.”
Successful organizational transformations
In the light of the reality described above the “Company Transformation” training program addresses certain topics that will allow managers to understand how to approach transformations and make successful:
- individual styles and values;
- how to approach organizational change;
- the steps for a successful organizational transformation;
- managing change – the art of balancing;
- reinvention vs. change;
- why do employees resist change;
- successful change programs begin with results;
- key aspects in an organizational turnaround.