The Challenge of Leadership – Leading Your People
According to John P. Kotter “Leadership is different from management, but that doesn’t mean that leadership is better than management or a replacement for it. Rather, leadership and management are two distinctive and complementary systems of action. Management is about coping with complexity. Leadership is about coping with change.”
Leadership competences
This training program is about building leadership competencies that allow participants to lead their people and their organizations through the turbulent and changing times of today and tomorrow. Our belief is that in order to be successful in today’s business environment one needs to master and balance very well both dimensions of management and leadership. Therefore this program is designed to complement our management skills development solutions with an approach to leadership.
Leadership in practice
One of the first steps in developing leadership skills is to get a good understanding of the leadership practice. Although the program presents participants with a wealth of information related to this subject the approach to learning is intended to be more reflective and less prescriptive. From this point of view the questions facing a participant should be “What can I use from all the information I get in order to improve my leadership capabilities? What approach is best suited to me and how can I start using it? What do I need to do in order to change my leadership perspective and learn to be a good leader?”
The program is designed for senior executives facing leadership challenges, project managers that need to develop their leadership capabilities and middle managers with potential for undertaking leadership roles.